LIC #336300187
Kindergarten Enrichment Programs
Providing Language Arts, Math & Science/Social Studies Programs

3-Day Enrichment Program
Our kindergarten enrichment programs provide an opportunity for age appropriate children to learn and practice social, emotional, problem-solving, and the skills to learn to study, which are skills your child will use throughout his/her educational journey weather they are homeschooled or attend traditional school. Our small 12:2 child/adult ratio provides a more intimate setting for the kindergarten age child. Our enrichment program is structured so that we have 45 minutes of language arts, and 45 minutes of math 3 times per week, with groups of 4:1 child/adult ratio, making each child a priority in the program. Our main focus in our enrichment programs is to build critical skills in reading and math traditional benchmarks, without putting a lot of pressure on the child. We want to create a love of learning environment.
We use the following curriculum...
* Language Arts/Geography/Art-
Using Charlotte Mason’s homeschool methods that are woven throughout our curriculum, children experience short lessons, living books, nature, art appreciation, and so much more within the pages of the course book. There is no start or stop from one subject to the next. Rather, subjects integrate naturally. For example, Language Arts courses include geography and art lessons. The unique Handwriting book gives opportunities for children to sharpen their drawing and sketching skills. This approach allows children to make connections across subjects and to understand how things relate to everyday life.
* Math-
Kindergarten Math with Confidence! The carefully sequenced and confident-building lessons help the child develop a strong understanding of math, step by step. It’s playful, hands-on, and fun with thorough coverage of all the skills your child needs to become capable and confident at math.
· Reading, writing, and comparing numbers
· Beginning addition and subtraction
· Shapes, patterns, and directions
· Counting to 100
· Money, time and measurement
* Science/Social Studies-
Our science/social studies is taught in a fun and unique way in the kitchen. Celebrating different cultures & cuisines with a twice a month cooking club! We explore different languages, geography, and traditions through cooking. For example, we roll our own sushi, make homemade teriyaki sauce, and learn to stir-fry while learning all about the country Japan! We don't forget our themed holiday art projects either! We get our hands dirty all while learning!​
Class meets 3-days a week, 3-hours per day class
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:30AM - 2:30PM
One Hour, One Day a Week
One Hour, One Day a Week
Our 1-hour enrichment programs are for Language Arts, Math or Both! We meet one day a week for Language Arts and one day a week for Math. These enrichment programs are designed for the kindergarten child and focuses on engaging, extracurricular activities that go beyond the core curriculum. We offer activities to foster the child's interest, skills and overall development at a kindergarten age child.
Language Arts Enrichment Program meets Tuesday, 12:45PM - 1:45PM
Math Enrichment Program meets Wednesday,
12:45PM t0 1:45PM

Science/Social Studies
Enrichment Program
Our fun science/social studies enrichment program is a fun and unique way to learn all while in the kitchen, during our cooking club. Celebrating different cultures & cuisines with a twice a month cooking club! We explore different languages, geography, and traditions through cooking. For example, we roll our own sushi, make homemade teriyaki sauce, and learn to stir-fry while learning all about the country Japan! We get our hands dirty and fill our tummy's, all while learning!​
Cooking Club meets the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month from 11:30AM to 2:30PM